North Texas Teen Book Festival 2017

This is the second year a row that I’ve had the change to attend the North Texas Teen Book Festival in Irving, TX, which is a small suburb of the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. I enjoy the DFW area every time I visit. The past two years I’ve managed to find a hotel mere minutes away from where the convention is actually held, which makes me happy. 🙂

This year, the festival had over 80 (!!!) MG and YA authors, and I was overjoyed to see that many authors I admired would be there! Another great thing about the festival this year is that they had publishing houses there, so that means Epic Reads, Fierce Reads, and Penguin’s First in Line was also there. It was such a fun experience, and I felt like a true book blogger because I managed to snag some ARCs from the tables. 🙂

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