Top 10 Tuesday: Books with Colors in the Title

A weekly blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This topic was way harder than I thought. Also, there seem to be so many titles with the word “red” in them, I tried to not include all of them!

This book literally has the word “color” in the title, not a specific color, but I definitely wanted to feature it anyway. I remember receiving an ARC of this book and being SO excited. Then I read the book and was completely blown away by it.

I was also able to meet the author at the North Texas Teen Book Festival some years ago and got both the ARC and final copy signed. I remember standing in line, feeling like I was going to burst from excitement so I could tell Emily how much her book meant to me. It was such a fun time, and I recommend this book for someone who is looking for a diverse read featuring a biracial character (hello, that’s me!), featuring deep discussions regarding mental health, found families, and magical realism.

Red Queen and Ruby Red were first books of series that started out well but ended up falling a bit flat. I really liked the concept of both series but unfortunately, things didn’t pan out the way I had hoped. As for Scarlet, it’s one of my favorite books in The Lunar Chronicles series.

These are all books I enjoyed as well! I read Under Rose-Tainted Skies as an ARC and immediately fell in love with it. Another book I recommend for someone looking for contemporary dealing with mental health. Little White Lies is just a fun, mystery contemporary while Ramona Blue is about a plus-sized main character discovering her sexuality.

If you haven’t read anything by Adichie, I recommend you change that immediately. I read Purple Hibiscus when I was in college, but it’s stuck with me over the years. In fact I still own the copy I marked all over when I was in college. Green Rider is the first book in an long fantasy series that I find keeps getting better and better with each book. Twice in a Blue Moon was one of my first forays into the world of Christina Lauren.

If you wrote a T10T post, leave it in the comments and I’ll be sure to check it out!

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